Two dynamics are at work in the accelerating support for Romney.
First, it is a Giuliani-Romney race, and all the MSM's attempt to pump up Mike Huckabee or keep Fred Thompson from collapsing entirely won't obscure the binary choice confronting the GOP: Either Romney wins early and develops momentum, or Giuliani's national reputation gives him the big win on February 2.
Every vote for Huckabee or Thompson is a very real vote for Giuliani. Some conservatives want Giuliani but don't want to say so out loud, so they work hard for Thompson or Huckabee and wait for events to play out. "You want Hillary?" is the line they are rehearsing for the day they announce, on so reluctantly to their conservative pals, they are with Rudy all the way.
The serious conservatives have done the math and are now breaking for Romney. There is no alternative, and not to announce for Romney is to give tacit support to Giuliani, though spoecific denunications of Giuliani seem to some to be a third way. Many conservatives have also been watching Romney and allowing themselves to be persuaded --not about his LDS faith, but about his sincerity concerning the big issues, especially life.It clearly Mitt or Rudy. Take your pick. I know who I want.
Read this transcript of my interview Friday with James Bopp, long time General Counsel of the Right To Life Committee, and conservative activist-lawyer with huge credibility within leadership circles. Key graph:
Wonderful news. As Hugh wrote in his title: Romney's Rising!
[Romney] had a conversion. I mean, there are people in the pro-life movement that have had abortions that are pro-life. There are doctors who have performed abortions that are pro-life. This happens to people. We spend an enormous amount of time trying to convince people to convert to the pro-life cause. When they’ve demonstrated their leadership on this issue like Mitt Romney has, we should welcome them, embrace them, and be pleased.
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