Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Winfrey could help Obama draw women voters from Clinton

I've posted two other times on this topic: Oprah and Barack.

In a move that may lead voters, particularly women, to take a second look at Obama, the talk show host will join the Democratic presidential candidate on the campaign trail December 8 and 9, Obama's campaign announced.

Winfrey will join Obama during campaign stops in early-voting states Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina, the campaign said.

The appearances come just weeks before the crucial Iowa caucus on January 3.

Like I've asked before here, here, and here, when (if at all) does Oprah's political activity offend her conservative and Republican viewers who don't like Barack?

I never watch Oprah. Yet, if I did her open political endorsements would turn me off to her day-to-day messages.
Mixing business and politics can be tricky. Maybe this Obama thing will be good for The O. Then again, maybe not.

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