Saturday, December 15, 2007

Huckabee's Pet Project: Mexican Consulate in Little Rock

The Caucus Cooler--an influential Iowa blog--posted this story.

The Cooler has obtained the above photos of the Mexican consulate in Little Rock, Arkansas. For those that don't know, Governor Huckabee lobbied aggressively for the addition of a Mexican consulate in Little Rock, at the taxpayers expense of course. This consulate served as a resource for illegal immigrants living in Arkansas, and some Huckabee opponents claim it drew additional illegal immigrants to the state.

The Mexican consulate helps Mexicans, legal or illegals, with papers,and hands out a consular identification - which critics argue gives illegals a valid ID which helps them meld into society. All of the costs associated with this come out of taxpayers pockets.

Our take is twofold.

1. WTF is a Mexican consulate doing in Little Rock? You'd expect one in major cities, New York, DC, Boston, Chicago, LA, even border cities like San Diego. But Little Rock? Not to mention that Little Rock doesn't have a French or British consulate. Wouldn't that be a higher priority? And if over a century of Governors before Huckabee didn't see the need to have a Mexican consulate, why did he?

2. It makes Huckabee's transformation on immigration all the more baffling. He was clearly a pro-amnesty candidate for this whole campaign, even eloquently stating the reasons for his support for illegal immigrant rights as recently as the you-tube debate. (Comments that drew wide praise from the media). Now his plan is to send them all home? A rather brazen Huckflop wouldn't you say?

Huck is an absolute disaster. Would any of this story make you think of a "conservative" who's the frontrunner in Iowa?

This is why he's going to drop like a rock with continued coverage of his pathetic record.

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