Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Thompson: Huckabee not a Conservative (Fred and Mitt double-team Clemency Huck)

David Brody reports from the Christian Broadcast Network. You can watch a video of the interview here.

David Brody: I know you and Romney have been kind of going at Huckabee a little bit… Are you concerned about some of these positions based on the fact that you’ve talked about the fact you’re the consistent conservative for a long time and these positions run exactly the opposite as to what you believe. Does that concern you at all?

Fred Thompson: It concerns the thought that we would nominate someone who’s not a conservative. I think in order to win in November we’re going to have to have a conservative who can get independent votes, but someone who can unite the party.

Secondly it would be a bad thing for our country, and to talk about it’s kind of American’s fault because the problems we have internationally and if we’d just be nicer and close Guantanamo Bay that people would love us and a lot of our problems would go away.

You gotta question whether or not he understands the nature of the world that we live in and policies that would encourage illegal immigrants to come and bring their children -- that he rightfully is concerned about, we’re all concerned about -- are not the right kind of policies. We gotta think about the next group of children. We gotta think about the next 11 million people who would be bringing children in and looking to our policies to see whether or not they’re going to try to come in illegally become a part of the lower economic wrung of our nation. I don’t think that’s good for them and it’s certainly not good for us.

David Brody: Real quick, in the beginning. I want to understand you correctly. Are you saying you don’t believe he’s a conservative’s conservative?

Fred Thompson: Exactly

David Brody: You don’t believe he’s a conservative?

Fred Thompson: You’re talking about Huckabee? No.
He’s pro life and of course I received the endorsement of the national pro life group and several of the state groups we share that strong conviction. But in terms of social policies taxes and illegal immigration and in terms of his view as how the world works, as best as I can determine it, we don’t share those views at all. I think we have a different vantage point on that.

David summarizes after the interview: It’s one thing to say a candidate has a few issues. It’s quite another to say he’s not a conservative. That is a full frontal political assault. With both Romney and Thompson tag teaming against Huckabee, it’ll be interesting to watch how Huckabee reacts and whether or not he and his campaign can withstand the double team.

Fred' only saying it as he sees it, and it will takes it's toll on Clemency Huck.

I doubt Mike Huckabee will prosper with this 2 on 1. If this Mitt and Fred double-team keeps up for long, Huck will be completely destroyed in very short order.

I had to get a tag-team image here. Don't you love "wrestling?"

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