Tuesday, December 18, 2007

What NY'ers should know about Huckabee's campaign manager

Thought I would share a little NY "inside baseball" politics with readers of NY for MITT and shed some light on who the guy is that's running the Huckabee campaign. After reading this you draw your own conclusions on why he had not been signed by any of the other candidates and was lucky he could still find work in politics.

His name is Ed Rollins. Back in the 2006 NY Senate primaries where we were sorting out who was going to be the candidate to take on Hillary, Rollins ran the campaign for a Republican named KT McFarland. McFarland was liberal on a lot of key issues. Like Huckabee's liberal streak, with his wrong stances on crime, illegal immigration and his record of raising taxes and increased government spending. I'm sure McFarland had a conservative stance on something but I'm at a loss right now to say what it was.

In the end, as a result of Ed Rollins' coaching, our Republican candidate John Spencer came out badly damaged from what was one of the ugliest and messiest primaries I've ever seen. Rollins encouraged McFarland to do Hillary's dirty work and smear Spencer with all kinds of outrageous attacks, even going after his family. Spencer had the good sense and honor to not retaliate in kind, and as karma would have it, McFarland's family drama found its own way into NYC tabloids on a couple occasions.

Spencer lost to Hillary, with the one saving grace that he managed to keep Hillary's margin of victory smaller than Schumer's in 2004. And in a year like 2006 was for our party, that's something.

Ed Rollins is no friend to Republicans, and the New York GOP isn't going to easily forget how he enabled Hillary's re-election. Just hope that Rollins doesn't have Huckabee do Hillary's dirty work on our Republican presidential nominee.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like hiring Ed Rollins is about as good for a republican candidate as havine the National Education Association endorse you. He may be Huckabee's campaign manager, but Rollins is probably on Hillary Rodham's payroll. Someone should check that.

Anonymous said...

Huckabee's running on the wrong ticket. Having Ed Rollins as a campaign manager is like getting th eonly republican endorcement ever from the NEA. That's not something you want--unless your a RINO. He may be Huckabee's campaign manager, but someone should checck to see if he's on Hillary Rodham's payroll.