Monday, January 28, 2008

A Florida voter asks McCain about his open-borders outreach director

Read here and here about McCain's less-than-straight talk about his Hispanic outreach man, Juan Hernandez.

Here's the YouTube:

In the above clip, Senator McCain says he doesn’t know much about Dr. Hernandez’s positions. Senator McCain should get up to speed by watching this:

Hernandez is also on the record advocating a “Mexico first” policy for Mexican-Americans who have been living in the US for generations. The Soros-connected former Mexican cabinet officer is also on the record as seeing the US, Mexico and Canada as a bloc or region within which there shouldn’t be borders.

Unless those policies sync with McCain’s, Hernandez does not agree with McCain’s policies. He might be on the senator’s staff for some other reason, but policy agreement isn’t it. Unless, of course, McCain agrees with Hernandez’s policies. And if that’s the case, the voters ought to know about it.

McCain is a disaster.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This scares the hell out of me.... I live 20 miles from the border in the East County of San Diego. I can tell you first hand what illegal immigration does. I am not a racist; my own daughter is a LEGAL immigrant, and my kids are enrolled in bilingual education to learn Spanish. But I am tired of having illegals run through my property, stealing my kids' bikes out from under them ("amigo! I need your bike!"), tired of having my friends killed in crashes involving vanloads of illegal immigrants speeding on the wrong side of our 2-lane country roads, tired of my dog being knifed in the throat for barking at illegals hiding on my property, and fed up with the babysitter getting raped by an illegal at the high school bus stop in my rural neighborhood. And this is before they get to YOUR neighborhood. I AM SICK OF IT!!!! Please do NOT vote for John McCain and his amnesty program!!!!