Wednesday, January 30, 2008

From Rudy to Romney

I’m a longtime Rudy guy. In 1989, I remember staying up late on Election Night watching his losing battle with David Dinkins, and cheering four years later when he put New York back on the road to recovery. Even before 9/11, he was a fighter who brought his city back from the brink, and he wasn’t embarrassed to publicly shame the corrupt and depraved New York left. I remain convinced that had he brought a little of that pugnacity and grit to this campaign, he would have won Florida and the nomination. He didn’t wind up running a great race, but Rudy Giuliani is a great American, and I continue to believe he would have made a great President.
With Mayor Giuliani now all but out of the race, I have no qualms about supporting his fellow chief executive Mitt Romney for the Republican nomination.

Despite the outcome in Florida, Republicans across the nation should spend the next week thinking long and hard about the demoralizing prospect of a McCain nomination.
Mitt Romney is a better candidate than he lets on. His business acumen has hardly been explored in this campaign, at least not early enough. He is, as they say in Boston, wicked smart. Of all the candidates running, it is hardest to see the colossal managerial failures of Katrina happening under his watch. His plan wasn’t perfect, but I like the fact that he’s a Republican who’s tackled the health care issue. He can communicate about matters of war and peace, and his instincts are sound. He could position himself as a clean break on the economy. Attributes he had to soft sell in the primary campaign would provide attractive contrasts to Hillary Clinton in a general election. And in Presidential elections, Governors beat Senators. Romney is our last chance of getting that historically winning combination.
To read the full opinion:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OK Folks Heres what we need to do to Give a grassroots surge to Mitts's campaign.

Hi Folks, Time to get the Grassroots growing!!

Please take not only the time to read this but to actually take the actions to get involved.

1st - Have you educated yourself on Mitt visit Mitts site
get on baord, get the campaign alerts! If you can Afford to make a donation twoards Mitts Campaign please give the campaign a boost.
Also check out the Blogs like ULTIMITT, PlanetRomney and CoMITTedtoRomney and get the latest on whats going on. (I am posting as Hooligan over there as well, so feel free to say Hi, if your on the boards!)

2nd - Have you talked to your friends & family about Mitt? I have been handing the following out, & sending this as a link its Very Informative for those that do not know much about Mitt.

Also try to get together with friends for the Debates, Mitt Hit the ball out of the Park on the last Debate on Economy Issues… No-one is Stronger than Mitt on either ticket for “08″ a point you can use for any Democrat friends you may have. Mitt is the Man to fix D.C. and get our economy back on track!!

3rd - Have you put a Mitt “08″ yard sign out yet? its Free advertising for the campaign!! Get the word out that Mitt has support in PA (for a challenge get other folks to get them out there as well!)

4th- have you put a bumper sticker for Mitt on you vehicle yet? Again Free advertising for the campaign!! let that bored driver in traffic behind you see where your support is.

5th Get yourself into some Mitt Gear , wear it when your out and about shopping, at your kids sporting events etc. This gets you into conversations where you can win over further support for Mitt!

6th - Bring other folks by the site here lets use it as a springboard!! Let get some bounce here for Mitt!!


We Need to get active NOW (it took me 5 days regular shipping to get my gear so do not procrastinate if you want your stuff before Super Tuesday)

I for one do not want to see our party go in a liberal / moderate direction the time is now to step it up my friends so lets give Mittt’s Campaign a “Surge” of ground support and lets get it going now!!

If you have any other ideas, or comments please feel free to visit or submit comments at

Thanks a lot!!!