Thursday, February 28, 2008

McCain vs TN GOP

In an earlier post, Nealie Ride brings up McCain's apology to Mrs. Bill Clinton and Barack for comments made by conservative talk radio show host Bill Cunningham before a McCain rally.

Well, he's now "apologizing" for the Tennessee GOP:

The presumptive GOP nominee said he disapproves of a Tennessee Republican Party press release that used an infamous photo of Obama in traditional Somali dress, called the Democrat “Barack Hussein Obama,” and alleged that he consulted with anti-Semitic advisers.

McCain noted that given that he is still not the official GOP nominee (Jenn says: you mean there is still hope he might not be?!?!?) and has little control over the entire party, but added that, “if I am the nominee of the party, I will obviously assure that everyone within my party knows that this has got to be a respectful debate.”

read more here: Fox blog

**UPDATED: RNC Makes TN GOP Pull "Muslim Garb" photo read here

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

1. Barak was wearing the "dress" -- so it wasn't a doctored photo. It was fact. Why is this offensive?

2. Barak's middle name is "Hussein" this is not something the TN GOP made up.

3. Who the heck does McCain think he is? Hitler? Only he can decide/speak for the party? This man is against freedom of speech (McCain/Feingold) if it doesn't line up with his views.