Saturday, February 2, 2008

McCain's Gay Baiting in Florida

John McCain doesn't campaign like a straight talker, John McCain campaigns like Richard Nixon. He's done some pretty original dirty tricks this cycle. Some of them were the same kind he condemned back when he lost in 2000. This post is to describe one of Mccain's scams that is of interest to his moderate and independent base. People who believe that every person deserves a fair and respectful treatment whatever their personal beliefs might be. I'm sure you'll agree, this McCain-Nixon dirty trick goes against everything you believe in.

I don't know if this is a word that normal people use, but "baiting" is a tactic in back alley dirtball politics where you put out something to elicit a response from a group of people without going about it directly and honestly. And without ever owning up to it.

Huckabee was engaging in "baiting" when he told the New York Times he heard something he thought was strange about Mitt's religion. I don't know what kind of baiting you call that, it's unique and I have not seen it classified. I think you could call it "Anti-Mormon baiting."

Well to achieve his Florida win John McCain pulled a real lowball road. Not just in his lies about Mitt's Iraq policy and positions. McCain went a step further and "gay baited." I couldn't believe this, but nothing is surprising me at this point. John McCain calls himself a man of honor, but how does a man of honor end a gay-baiting call "Paid for by John McCain 2008."

I am proud to be supporting Mitt Romney, because I know he is the true man of honor in the GOP contest. Someone who will not disappoint me with McCain-Nixon gutter politics.

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