Monday, March 3, 2008

Novak: Rove wants Romney as VP

Former White House political guru Karl Rove is urging that Sen. John McCain pick Mitt Romney as his running mate, writes veteran Washington columnist Robert Novak.

According to Novak, Rove and other GOP bigwigs want Romney in the No. 2 spot despite the bad blood that exists between the former Massachusetts governor and McCain, an enmity that grew out of their heated rivalry during the Republican presidential primaries.

read more here:


Nealie Ride said...

Interesting. I'm not surprise so many want Romney. The guy gets the economy and we need someone to fix it.

Yet, I'm not sure this position is in his best interest.

He'll make the right decision. I'm sure about that.

Anonymous said...

I still don't think he could sound believable supporting, yea even defending, McCain. I side with his closest advisers...wait this one out.