Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Preview of Romney's Interview

A great line in the Romney interview that will air tonight:

Listening to Obama and Clinton discuss their national security credentials, Romney said, is akin to "listening to two chihuahuas argue about which is the biggest dog."

"When it comes to national security, John McCain is the big dog, and they are the chihuahuas," he said.

And he really dogs on Obama:
He has been a United States senator for a short, short period of time. He is in no significant way qualified to lead the country at a time of war, to lead the country out of an economic challenge. This is not a person who can stand up to Senator McCain.”

Mitt says he'd take the VP position if it was offered to him. The VP candidate in the campaign phase is often in charge of being the attack dog. Mitt would be able to deliver those hits against the Democrats with style and flair and good humor.

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