Thursday, April 3, 2008

Governor and Mrs. Romney to receive honor

Just spotted this via Planet Romney:

>> event on May 8th, New York City

This year the Becket Fund is honored to bestow Governor and Mrs. Mitt Romney with its highest honor, the Canterbury Medal, for their role in expanding the free expression of religious faith in the public square. Each year the Becket Fund awards the Canterbury Medal to someone who has "resolutely refused to render unto Caesar that which is God's."
The governor's extraordinary speech on the role of religion in political life was an important contribution to religious liberty and the national political discourse during this election season. Both Governor and Mrs. Romney have demonstrated exemplary poise and dignity in the face of all manner of provocations aimed at their faith. For these reasons and more, The Becket Fund is delighted to present the Romneys with the Canterbury Medal at this year's dinner.

Visit here: Becket Fund - for more details and information to buy tickets to the event, although tickets/tables seem to start at $1,000 -- it is wonderful to see Governor Romney and his fabulous wife Ann being honored!

To purchase a table or tickets, contact Ashley Samelson at

The Becket Fund -

(source: Political Waters blog)

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