Wednesday, April 2, 2008

MSM denying Mitt in the running for VP?

Today's stories by the AP about McCain starting the process of selecting a Vice President to run with were an interesting demonstration of my theory that McCain never harbored as much ill will towards Governor Romney. Rather it was the mainstream media trying to project their own disdain for Mitt thru their biased writing.

AP writer David Espo filed the first copy of the McCain VP story at 8:09AM Eastern, and has been filing updates to the story thru the course of the day. As I'm writing this post, David's put up his 17th re-write.

The first was a rush piece to break the story that McCain had started selecting a selection committee. I don't know that that committee has been made public yet. Back in 2000, it was Dick Cheney who headed that team for President Bush, and wound up the VP himself. That doesn't happen very often.

In the 4th filing of David's story, he makes the first mention of any of people the mainstream media wants McCain to pick for VP. Who's that first person on the MSM wishlist? As Jenn mentioned earlier, the MSM put in a plug for Huckabee. 90 Minutes later we get another version, few more names for potentials (but not Mitt).

It takes David 3.5 hours and *10 filings* of the story before Mitt gets the respect of being mentioned as a potential. But on the 12th version, and another 3 hours later, David's MSM editors must have told him to scratch this Mitt line...
McCain has given no hint of his thinking on a running mate, although he frequently speaks warmly of his former rivals for the nomination, particularly former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, who traveled with the nominee-in-waiting last week.
Versions 12 thru 17 don't mention Romney at all.

David Espo, I'd love to know what's really going on with this and why you think nobody on the internet is watching you carry out this travesty of journalism.

1 comment:

Jenn said...

Great post, Jeff!

That's kinda why I posted the story mentioning Huckabee as a potential VP with McCain -- the very obvious attempt by the media to leave Mitt's name out, and flirt with the idea of their favorite "character" Huck back in the running. (Plus, we all need to squash the idea of McCain picking Huck as VP early and often!)

Actually, I believe it was McCain's daughter that said her dad was NOT picking the Huckster. If that had any weight...

I don't know if Mitt really wants the job as VP. If he does, obviously I support it. But, if he doesn't want the job, I can't say I blame him....