Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Mitt on 'Morning Joe' today

Talking about McCain and the economy....

Also on this video: When asked about being on the ticket with McCain, Mitt responds, "I'm not expecting a call...."


Anonymous said...

Man, I miss seeing Mitt (and Ann) on TV like this! If McCain doesn't choose him as his VP, I really will have to "plug my nose and pull the lever." This ticket would have far more credibility with Mitt on it. What has to happen to get this into McCain's head?

Jenn said...

I just noticed on the latest Ann Coulter poll listed in Nealie Ride's post (March 22: Vote for Mitt) out of many, many choices -- including Huck, Condi, Lieberman, Crist, Palin, Pawlenty, etc., Mitt leads the poll with 2,459 votes or -- 26% of votes and in 2nd is Baptist Bob at 16%. We want Mitt! (Of course, the question is -- does Mitt want to be VP?!)

Vote in the poll:

Anonymous said...

He better be the FIRST person and the ONLY person McCain calls....