Wednesday, September 10, 2008

McCain Camp Launches 'Lipstick' Ad

This is getting really interesting.


Jenn said...

I don't agree with Obama on the issues. But, he did not call Palin a pig and I thought this was a pathetic ad by the McCain campaign. I do not like where the Republicans have gone since Palin joined the ticket. They've turned into a petty, whiney, identity politics-style campaign. As for the pig comment, let's not forget McCain's nasty comment he said about Mitt Romney: "Never get into a wrestling match with a pig. You both get dirty -- and the pig likes it." McCain's the biggest pig of them all.

Anonymous said...


I don't disagree with all that you said. McCain was rough on Mitt. I never liked that.

But, you've got to agree that Obama is getting at least a little negative when he intentionally called her a pig or not. To use words such as "pig" and "stink" isn't the most positive way to articulate a message.

I was listening to Dennis Miller (conservative talk radio) on the way home from school. In summary, Dennis thinks either Barack is much dumber than he thought he was or he's much less gracious/polite than he once thought.

In other words, the luster is coming off Barack. Dennis used to think more highly of Barack's character and manners. No longer.

Dennis said he's now taking off the gloves with Barack after these lipstick comments. I've got to agree with him to a degree. Besides, he's so hilarious.

Anonymous said...

I totally agree with you Jenn, and that is why, for the first time in my life I am not voting Republican. Not to mention the fact that McCain is 72 years old and I do not feel Palin could or should be in charge of running this country. Would a corporation hire a Chief Financial Officer without any experience? I am voting 3rd party.