Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Mitt's sense

The media may have thought that Mitt Romney was a finalist for the job of John McCain's running mate. But Romney himself recently told NEWSWEEK that he wasn't so easily fooled. "I had a sense it wasn't going to be me," he said in an interview with Stumper and assorted colleagues last week in St. Paul.

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Anonymous said...

So Sen. McCain is a "straight talker" huh? He plans all along to pick Ridge, Lieberman and Palin. The guy is 72 years old and maverick has another meaning. It is self-centered and selfish. Unfortunately, we have two self-absorbed presidential nominees this year.

Anonymous said...

Agree -- there is no good choice. And if McCain cares so much about the military, then he owes them an explanation as to why he thinks Palin is the right person to be Commander-in-Chief if something were to happen to him -- that's not very responsible or respectful of our men and women in harms way.