Wednesday, September 24, 2008

McCain to suspend campaign

Latest: Obama campaign official says debate on
And: Ole Miss says debate is going forward

Also: President Bush to Address the Nation at 9 pm

John McCain asked the Presidential Debate Commission on Wednesday to postpone Friday’s scheduled debate with Barack Obama so that he can work on the financial crisis bailout plan now on Capitol Hill.

The Arizona Republican senator said he will suspend his presidential campaign on Thursday to return to Washington to help with bailout negotiations. He urged Obama to do the same.

Fox News


Anonymous said...

This makes McCain look like he's afraid to debate Obama.

Anonymous said...

Only if you are an Obama supporter. I personally welcome the fact that McCain wants to get about the people's business and do the job he was elected to do (for a change). That's Country First.

I've always laughed when Obama touts his 4 years in the Senate when we all know full well he's been running for President for the last 2.

I also admire those that relinquish their "day jobs" to run for president, rather than hang on to it as a fall back in case they lose.

So the real weakness is Obama's for retaining a senate seat, but neglecting it while on his his personal quest. At least McCain is willing to roll up his sleeves and do some real work, and not simply vote "present".

Anonymous said...

I have to agree. You can (eloquently) talk about change, or actually do something about. If Obama would rather continue talking (debating), then we have only ourselves to blame come January when it's just more of the same (empty rhetoric) should we hand him the win in November.

Anonymous said...

I respectfully disagree. McCain could have used the debate to highlight his position on the economy, while having the added benefit of the topic being foreign policy where he is seen as the ace. McCain blinked. It's not about the base, it's about Independents. I question whether McCain really wants to win this election.

Anonymous said...

McCain has no position on the economy (yet), all the more reason to do some (home)work and come up with something reasonable to say (and do). Let Obama preach his sermons. We want action, but prudent action.