Monday, September 22, 2008

Wisdom Interrupted

from John Cassidy, The New Yorker
In the past few days, Obama has had the demeanor of a man who fell out a window and landed on a trampoline; McCain has looked like someone who thought he had won the lottery only to discover, en route to the prize ceremony, that he had been sold a phony ticket. The epizootic in the financial markets resurrected doubts about the wisdom of McCain’s decision to pass over the business-minded Mitt Romney as his running mate, a choice that left him to face alone tough questions about economics—his least favorite subject.

>> read his complete comment here

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

McCain will insist he made a good judgment by selecting Ms. Palin. They are campaigning as reformers, reforming Republicans. It seems the Democrats in Alaska don't need reforming because they are not corrupt. From Ms. Palin records, she only goes against her party. Both are mavericks, mavericks against their own party. Some wish to vote for the 3rd party. But they are nuttier. Is this a start of an American decline from being a superpower? China, Russia and the Islamic world must be salivating.