Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Notre Dame/Obama Speech Protest Recap

We will be putting together a brand new podcast with some amazing sound bytes from the protest at Notre Dame this weekend and I believe we will be able to offer some insights into what really happened at the campus, not the scrubbed and edited version that the MSM wants you to see.

I have been out of the loop since this past Thursday night, so I don’t know much about what the coverage has looked like from CNN, MSNBC, ABC and the others, but I can tell you this: I know from first hand experience what it looked and sounded like at the intersection of Angela Blvd. and Notre Dame Ave.

I was able to conduct a half dozens or so interviews and the people had some very thoughtful comments. While the vast majority of the people there were typical middle class Americans, the protest did attract some characters who made for good theater. You will be able to get a much better feel for that on the podcast than I can provide here, so be sure to check out the upcoming segment, it should really be good.

I heard some great speeches while I was there. Dr. Alan Keys was one on the speakers and he had the crowd giving him a couple of standing ovations. Operation Rescue’s Randall Terry gave a fine speech as well.

Then there was the Catholic Church’s version of a rock star, Father Frank Pavone, National Director of Priests for Life. He spoke with insight and conviction at the Grotto during the alternative commencement. There were so many people there, the exercise had to be relayed on closed circuit TV back to the South Quad, where a football sized field of Catholics had assembled for the Pro Life Mass.

Right after the Mass was over, Air Force One flew right over the South Quad at a altitude of maybe 300 ft. If President Obama was looking out a window for those 10 seconds, he got a real good indication from the size of that crowd how popular his policies are amongst pro life Catholics.

In closing this very brief recap, just let me make this point: We are winning this debate. There are more people who feel the same way we do about respecting human life at all it’s stages than agree that their should be unfettered abortion on demand. The MSM is attempting to keep you in the dark about the size of these gatherings. The Pro Life Mass was so big it took ten priests to distribute the Holy Eucharist. People were on their knees praying for the conversion of the pro abortion activists, cheering for the ads that were put on the projection screen, praying the rosary in front of the Main Gate, with bagpipers playing in the background and police helicopters overhead.

I can’t begin to do justice to all the sights and sounds of the weekend. I hope we can give you a better feel for it on the podcast. I encourage everybody to go to one of these events if one is scheduled anywhere near your town. If it is even half as rewarding as the experience I had at Notre Dame, it will be well worth the time you invest to attend.

~~John Cronin~~

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