Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Brownback: Victim of Religious Bigotry?

Apparently, a pastor & volunteer of Huckabee's campaign has sent out an email attacking Brownback for converting to Catholicism:

"I know Senator Brownback converted to Roman Catholicism in 2002. Frankly, as a recovering Catholic myself, that is all I need to know about his discernment when compared to the Governor's. I don't [know] if this fact is widely known among evangelicals who are supporting Brownback."

Brownback is now challenging Huckabee to denounce the pastor's email. Huckabee appears to be ignoring him.

Clearly, the email is inappropriate and bigoted. However, I'm convinced Brownback's reaction is more for publicity than to right any wrong. Remember, Brownback's campaign has less than clean hands when it comes to religious bigotry. Who would have guessed he'd be the victim of a similar attack in the future? This is one more example of why all people with Judeo-Christian values should stick together. If we begin attacking each other on the basis of particular doctrines (that don't relate to values or policy) we will all be open to similar attacks in the future.

For a more comprehensive look at Brownback's hypocrisy, go here. For intelligent approaches to religion in politics, go here regularly.

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