Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Rudy - Fact or Fiction?

Rudy is not a true conservative. His values do not match up with conservatives, and he can't be trusted to promote conservative policy.
But more than that, he is also not a very capable leader. I realize that these may be surprising words for some of Rudy's fans, but they are nonetheless true.
Rudy is simply riding the waves of popularity and publicity that he recieved from being in the midst of one of the greatest tragedies in our history.

Rudy is good at at least three things, however:
1) He knows how to copy a working strategy. His words are sounding more and more like Mitt's every day.
2) He knows how to highlight and take credit for the good he's been fortunate to be present for and to minimize and hide the bad. And yes, I say "the good he's been fortunate to be present for"...
He was present when the abortion rate went down and adoption rate went up in New York City. He was also present when the violent crime rate went way down in New York City. Good Job Rudy!

Or is it? Actually, the abortion and adoption rates as well as the violent crime rates were VERY CLOSELY tied to national trends, especially when compared to other major cities.

Rudy's successes have more to do with demographics and luck than with his managerial or executive genious.

In fact, most New Yorkers before 9/11 thought he had been a terrible mayor despite his supposed great accomplishments:

"By May 2000, with crime at historic lows, the city's economy still aglow, real estate prices soaring -- the kind of external factors that normally make politicians untouchable -- his (Rudy's) approval rating had slid to a Bush-oid 37 percent..." (See the entire article here).

But somehow, the 9/11 smoke provided a great screen to hide his previous faults and reputation. It's amazing how far celebrity and hysteria can get you in this country.

And the third thing that he does well: He has a nice smile.

Personally, I like Rudy. I like to hear him talk. I like to see him take jabs at people even more liberal than himself. But there's much more mystique on the surface than there is substance. And that is just the beginning.

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