Monday, October 27, 2008

NY for Mitt aiding congressional races (going national)

NY for Mitt readers,

We've been contacted by the RNC and asked to help GOP candidates throughout the country. So, for the next 8 days we'll post stories on many Republicans. The stories will not only focus on New Yorkers or even races in the Northeast.

I feel that Mitt is doing all he can throughout the country. He was in the South the other day, and before that in a completely separate region of the U.S. So, although we were created to inform New Yorkers on the prospect of a Mitt Romney presidency, we'll continue to evolve to support as many GOP races as possible in these last few days.

By the way, we're very aware that most of you visiting this site aren't from NY. You're from every state in the union, as well as in many countries outside the United States.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is a great news for your great website ! You have to know that I am from France, and backing Mitt Romney since May 2007. What will become very clear in this race is Romney backers through all the US were key militants for McCain even if we don't like this guy. And for 2012, this will count. A lot !

Good work my friends !